KIng's Bench - Mortgage Elimination Scam

Launched in May 2023 

Did You Fall For this Scam?

Did You Fall For this Scam?

True to Form: Iain Stamp Claimed a 100% Track Record of Success

The Truth is:

There was NO "Track Record"

160 Victims paid ~ £3000

For a "Service" built on Lies

If You Have Been Affected


We have crowdfunded a Barrister

& Criminal Investigation team

Laura Nina exposes Stamp

Kings Bench rejected 160 Claims

Kings Bench now Investigating

the Claimants

In December 2023, Iain Stamp launched a “new” Mortgage Elimination Process. 

BEFORE you part with any money WATCH the VIDEO below because Stamp’s
“new” process (the 1099C) is also a SCAM!

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